Need Help Signing In?

If you are experiencing difficulty signing in to your Referral Spotlight account with your username and password, try out the suggestions below:

  • If you are receiving a message stating that your username or password is incorrect, perhaps you are entering an incorrect username? Your username is always an email address. If you are having difficulty entering the correct email address, please contact the agency owner who setup your account. If you are the agency owner and are having any difficulties, our support team can give you a hand.

    Contact the support team

  • If you are sure your username is correct and you are still receiving a message stating that your username or password is incorrect, you may need to have your password reset. To begin the password reset process, click on the Password Reset link below. An email will be sent containing further instructions to the email address on file for your account.

    Password Reset

  • If you have registered for an account but need to have your confirmation email sent to you again, click the link below. Note that each confirmation email is only valid for a period of 24 hours. After 24 hours has elapsed, you must request a new confirmation email.

    Send Confirmation Email

Password Tips

Here are a few useful tips concerning how your account is kept safe and secure within Referral Spotlight.

  • Passwords are case sensitive so please make sure the correct capitalization is used. Note that usernames are not case sensitive and should always be a valid email address.
  • Passwords must be a minimum of 6 characters.
  • Passwords must contain at least one of each of the following:
    • upper case letter
    • lower case letter
    • a number
    • and a non-letter or number (e.g. !, @, #, $, etc. )
  • After 5 failed sign in attempts, the account will be locked out for 5 minutes.

All Set?

If you are ready to return to the sign in page, click the Return to Sign In link below

Return to Sign In

Still Having Problems?

If you are still having problems accessing your account, we would like to help.

Contact the support team